Thursday 26 February 2015

Yves Rocher Stimulating Shampoo with white lupine extract

Hi Hello!
Today I'm presenting you my review on this shampoo, I should mention that I have at least 10 shampoos so you will be seeing a lot of reviews on this category. It is not necessarily an obsession I am just constantly looking for "the one" shampoo but never seem to find the right one. But did I though?
This Anti-Chute Shampoo seems to be closer to the one so I thought is is worth reviewing it.

I started using it about a month ago and here you can see that I used half of it so I had time to form an opinion.
Been using it along  with:

(*Cloud 9-Quick dry potion, *Elvital-Extraordinary oil,*Yves Rocher-Eclat radiance rinsing vinegar, *L'Oreal- Instant miracle reconstructing treatment, *Batiste-dry shampoo tropical) 

Their description
"Yves Rocher Laboratories selected the white lupine for its proven anti-hair loss properties. Incorporated into a soft and creamy shampoo, it acts at the root of the hair bulb by stimulating the scalp's micro circulation-making hair healthier, fuller, stronger and more resistant."

What it did for me

 I tend to agree with its description so far, except for the hair loss part, I have not noticed yet any difference but then again I was not expecting any miracles. It is possible that if you use this shampoo for months and gently massage it on the scalp to actually work as a hair fall defense treatment

  • it doesn't itch (unlike Elseve/Elvive/Elvital)
  • it lathers well
  • good for greasy hair, it has some drying factor in it which also helps with volume
  • contains natural extracts of white lupine
  • no parabens
  • decent price (4-5 Eur)

  • strong off-putting smell
  • contains sulfates


 I will be repurchasing this shampoo one day because it is closely to what I envision "the one" shampoo to be like. The strong scent is a no-no but I will definitely try out more of the Yves Rocher shampoos.
General mark: 9+

Until the next review 
Much love,


Thursday 19 February 2015

The Beginning

Hi Hello! How are you?

I'm Diana and I am starting my blog today. The intention of this blog is to review things, mostly cosmetics since they occupy a big part of my space/life...but I'll stay open minded to things that come into my life.

Why reviews?

I realized that I like criticising and a few days ago I thought well if I so much like to criticise why keep it to myself? why not make it constructive? maybe it will help some of you with decisions, curiosities.. who knows...

How will this work?

This concept is very popular, reviewing products, but what I want to do different is to give some time and see how the product works not just buy-review-throw/keep. It can take weeks until I will give my review of a product that I am testing just becase I want it to be objective and realistic.