Friday 8 May 2015

Dry Shampoos

Hello Darlings! 

Dry shampoos… Honestly the first time I tried one that actually worked I thought it’s a miracle. My very first one was the green one from Balea if you guys know.. and I thought nothing can beat it…that is until I met Batiste…
These are the dry shampoos I’m reviewing today and I hope I can be of help to you.

L’oreal Express Refresh

Well, there are nice things to say about this one… like.. the price, the smell, and the fact that it’s TRANSPARENT!! I got a very good offer for it and got it for half the price (2-3 EUR) and the fact that it’s transparent makes it easier to use for instance for someone that does not have experience with dry shampoos, it could be your first dry shampoo, you might just love it J. The smell is really really nice, it does not bother the nose and I think is unisex, I let my boyfriend use it and he’s happy with it so I’m happy.

Balea Dry Shampoo

This one was around 2 EUR and I was actually looking for its predecessor (the green one) when I was in DM but since this one was the only one in the store I really had high hopes for it mainly because I thought they discontinued the green one because they found a beter formula.
 The smell it’s indescribable, it’s not the scent itself that bother but the fact that I can’t breathe after spraying it… it’s so dry and powdery, a total no-no. About its work… well I don’t like it… it either spray too much white powder or none at all and just the watery part of it… the part that had too much powder gets very difficult to spread and blend and escape the white and the part that has mostly spray looks greasy. L Not gonna purchase this one eva’ again.

Batiste Dry Shampoo
          Now this is one that if you ever see on sale you should stock. The price is decent, the result is incredible, the scents are okay, a variety so pick after your own taste. One that I really didn’t like was the cherry one.. it was just so intoxicating plastic cherry like that I could not cover even with my perfume.
          But these 2 are my favorite! The original one is very discrete, it’s not going to bother you during the day and the tropical one smells like coconuts <3 J.
I checked the ingredients and noticed that Batiste dry shampoos have rice starch whereas the other ones have aluminum starch, I think this might be one of the reasons I don’t like it… an now really wtf is aluminum starch? I don’t think I want it on my head anyways…

Beauty hack: never tried it but I heard that you can use corn starch if you run out of dry shampoo because it has the same effect, plus it’s a natural and cheap alternative.
I personally never tried it because I think about the smell, thank God these sprays have a scent, no-one wants to smell greasy hair scent yuk!
Until the next one: Too-da-loo!!